Jack Lubin

Postdoctoral researcher in Astrophysics at the University of California, Los Angeles           

Most recent on top:

Know Thy Star, Know Thy Planet 2 Conference

Virtual, February 3, 2025

A Data-Driven Model for Measuring Low Vsini: Building Towards Obliquties En Masse


iTelescope Webinar

Virtual, August 18, 2023

New Dimensions in Time Series Analysis for Exoplanet Detection


ExoExplorers 2023 Presentation

Virtual, August 18, 2023

New Dimensions in Time Series Analysis for Exoplanet Detection


UCI Grad Slam Finals

In-Person, March 09, 2023

Is Our Solar System Unique? (skip to 01:11:38 mark for my talk)

2023 UCI Grad Slam Finals from UCI Media on Vimeo.


Astro on Tap: Seattle

In-Person, January 11, 2023 (AAS 241 week)

The Lives and Deaths of Barnard b (second time presenting this talk, but now with added info!) (PS My picture and Ryan’s picture were accidentally switched.)


Intro2Astro Research, Free Summer Course

Virtual, July 18, 2022

I lead the class through a guide on applying to grad school. What you’ll need, a general timeline to work with, and details on things like standardized tests, application fees, and letters of recommendation.


Intro2Astro Research, Free Summer Course

Virtual, July 18, 2022

I lead the class through a guide on applying to grad school. What you’ll need, a general timeline to work with, and details on things like standardized tests, application fees, and letters of recommendation.


Intro2Astro Research, Free Summer Course

Virtual, July 11, 2022

I lead the class through a guide on CVs. What they are, how to make one, what to put on them.


Intro2Astro Research, Free Summer Course

Virtual, June 26, 2022

I lead the class through a popular science article about the exciting discovey of Proxima b, the closest exoplanet to us! I discuss the article itself, and generally about how to read popular science article through a professional scientific lens. (Video skipped ahead to 43:06 mark).


Intro2Astro Research, Free Summer Course

Virtual, June 13, 2022

A second time sharing my mentor profile for the course. While the story is the same, I feel I was able to better convey some of my thoughts in this version. A short discussion of my non-traditional path to graduate school (Video skipped ahead to 01:13:25 mark).


Exoplanets IV - Las Vegas, NV

In-Person, May 05, 2022

Stellar Activity Manifesting at a One Year Alias Explains Barnard b as a False Positive

<! – <iframe width="560" height="315" src="/Users/jack/Documents/Other/Talks/ExoplanetsIV-Talk." title="Local Video" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> –>

Intro2Astro Research, Free Summer Course

Virtual, July 11, 2021

My Mentor Profile: A short discussion of my non-traditional path to graduate school (Video skipped ahead to 54:30 mark).


Astro on Tap: Penn State University

Virtual, June 21, 2021

The Lives and Deaths of Barnard b

