Courses I’ve taught:
UCI Physics Course Catalog

For some reason I have a RateMyProfessor profile, but no one has rated me :(
Fall 2018: Physics 52A - Fundamentals of Experimental Physics Lab
Optics: lenses, mirrors, polarization, lasers, optical fibers, interference, spectra.
Winter 2019: Physics 7D - Classical Physics
Introduction to electricity and magnetism for scientists and engineers.
Spring 2019: Physics 51A - Modern Physics
Wave-particle duality; quantum mechanics; special relativity; statistical mechanics.
Fall 2019: Physics 20A - Introduction to Astronomy
History of astronomy. Underlying physics. Objects in the solar system and how they are studied. Properties of stars: their formation, structure, and evolution. Pulsars and black holes. Galaxies and quasars.
Winter 2020: Physics 18 - How Things Work
Survey of the physical basis of modern technology, with an emphasis on electronics and materials. Topics include power generation and distribution, communication (radio, TV, telephone, computers, tape recorders, CD players), imaging (optics, x-rays, MRI), and modern materials (alloys, semiconductors, superconductors).
Winter 2020: Physics 138 - Extragalactic Astrophysics
Introduction to the solar neighborhood, Milky Way, and other galaxies. Interstellar medium. Star formation. Stellar populations. Evolution of spiral, elliptical, and irregular galaxies. Supermassive black holes, quasars, and active galaxies. Galaxies as probes of the expansion rate of the Universe.
Spring 2020: Physics 7C - Classical Physics *Virtual
Introduction to force, energy, momentum, rotation, and gravity for scientists and engineers.
Fall 2020: Physics 14 - Energy and the Environment *Virtual
The physics of society’s energy production and consumption, and of their influences on the environment. Topics include fossil and renewable energy resources; nuclear power; prospects for a hydrogen economy; efficient and environmentally benign transportation; efficient home and commercial energy usage.
Winter 2021: Physics 20A - Introduction to Astronomy (2nd time) *Virtual
History of astronomy. Underlying physics. Objects in the solar system and how they are studied. Properties of stars: their formation, structure, and evolution. Pulsars and black holes. Galaxies and quasars.
Winter 2021: Physics 138 - Extragalactic Astrophysics (2nd time) *Virtual
Introduction to the solar neighborhood, Milky Way, and other galaxies. Interstellar medium. Star formation. Stellar populations. Evolution of spiral, elliptical, and irregular galaxies. Supermassive black holes, quasars, and active galaxies. Galaxies as probes of the expansion rate of the Universe.
Spring 2021: Physics 52C - Fundamentals of Experimental Physics *Virtual
Data analysis: random and systematic errors, curve fitting; nuclear counting; quantum experiments. Error analysis: random and systematic errors, curve fitting, nuclear counting, and quantum experiments.
Fall 2021: Physics 139 - Observational Astrophysics
Telescopes and astronomical observations, imaging with CCD detectors and image processing techniques. Photometry and spectroscopy of stars, galaxies, and quasars. Advanced imaging techniques such as deconvolution, adaptive optics, and interferometry.
Winter 2022: Physics 20A - Introduction to Astronomy (3rd time)
History of astronomy. Underlying physics. Objects in the solar system and how they are studied. Properties of stars: their formation, structure, and evolution. Pulsars and black holes. Galaxies and quasars.
Winter 2022: Physics 213A - Electromagnetic Theory (Graduate Course)
Electrostatics; magnetostatics; relativity; classical electron theory; fields in vacuum and matter; retardation; radiation and absorption; dispersion; propagation of light; diffraction; geometric optics; theories of the electric and magnetic properties of materials; scattering.
Winter 2023: Physics 7D - Classical Physics (2nd time)
Introduction to electricity and magnetism for scientists and engineers.
Winter 2023: Physics 215B - Quantum Mechanics (Graduate Course)
Atomic physics; scattering theory, formal collision theory; semi-classical radiation theory; many body systems.
Spring 2023: Physics 7E - Classical Physics
Fluids, oscillations, waves, and optics for scientists and engineers.